The remainder of this document is divided into the following sections and should be used as a ready reference.
Expand/close descriptions of settings in the sections below.Common Settings |
track |
type |
shortLabel |
longLabel |
bigDataUrl <url/relativePath> |
visibility |
html |
Many settings are valid only for certain types of tracks. Many of these tracks are described below along with settings specific to their types.
bam - Compressed Sequence Alignment track settings |
type bam |
bigDataUrl <url/relativePath> |
Related settings:
bamColorMode <strand/gray/tag/off> |
bamGrayMode <aliQual/baseQual/unpaired> aliQualRange <min:max> baseQualRange <min:max> |
bamColorTag <XX> |
noColorTag . |
bamSkipPrintQualScore . |
indelDoubleInsert <off/on> indelQueryInsert <off/on> indelPolyA <off/on> |
minAliQual <#> |
Related settings:
pairEndsByName . |
pairSearchRange <#> |
showNames <on/off> |
Additional settings found in the "Item or region tracks" section are also available for displaying bam tags. maxWindowToDraw, |
Example of a bam track
vcfTabix - Variant Call Format (indexed by tabix) track settings |
type vcfTabix |
bigDataUrl <url/relativePath> |
Related settings:
hapClusterEnabled <true|false> |
hapClusterColorBy <altOnly|refAlt|base> |
hapClusterTreeAngle <triangle|rectangle> |
hapClusterHeight <N> |
Related settings:
applyMinQual <true|false> |
minQual <Q> |
minFreq <F> |
Additional settings found in the "Item or region tracks" section are also available for displaying Variant Call Format tracks. maxWindowToDraw |
Example of a VCF track
Supertrack (Folders) settings |
superTrack on |
parent <superTrack> |
Example of a Supertrack
Composite track settings |
compositeTrack on |
parent <composite> [off/on] |
allButtonPair on |
centerLabelsDense <off/on> |
dragAndDrop subTracks |
Example of a Composite track
Aggregate or Overlay track settings |
container multiWig |
parent <containerTrack> |
aggregate <transparentOverlay/stacked/solidOverlay/none> |
showSubtrackColorOnUi on |
Example of an Aggregate track